Healthy treats, Spanish Tapas, and It’s Friday!

Hello Friends!

We Made it!!! It’s FRIDAY!!!

Yesterday I tackled 2 recipes from my healthy late night snacking posting. Both turned out great!!!

Strawberry Banana Creams 

8 Strawberries
2oz vanilla Greek yogurt
1/2 small banana
1 teaspoon sliced almonds

-Mash Bananas in small bowl with fork and mix in yogurt
-Use knife and carve out the middle of each strawberry
-Fill center of each strawberry with banana yogurt mixture
-Top with sliced Almonds 
Makes 1 serving

Calories 145
Calories from fat 31
Total Fat 3.5g
Saturated Fat 0.3g
Sodium 28mg
Total Carbs 22.5g
Dietary Fibers 4.0g
Sugar 13.4g
Protein 8.2g
Vitamin A 1%
Calcium 11%
Vitamin C 101%
Iron 4%

These were tasty! Easy to make, easy clean up, and they melted in your mouth. The Banana adds a little sweetness, the combination of fresh sweet strawberries, vanilla greek yogurt, mashed bananas, and sliced almonds is delectable. They were fun to make, and even better to eat. You couldn’t tell they were low fat, I plan on making these little treats at my next gathering. 

Dark Chocolate and Almond Treats

A Paleo treat that’s also Gluten Free and Vegan! 

1 cup and 3 tablespoons melted dark chocolate
1 -1/2 cup whole almonds
(optional – handful of coconut shavings)

-Line baking sheet with parchment paper
-Start melting dark chocolate pieces in a pan on low heat (will not take long to melt)
*The serving size is for melted chocolate, if you measure out the pieces before hand allow more chips to be added than recommend amount
-Place teaspoon of melted chocolate on parchment paper
-Top with hand-full of almonds
-Drizzle almonds with one tablespoon melted chocolate
-Repeat process with remaining almonds and chocolate until your pan is full
-Optional – Sprinkle with coconut shavings over each tiny circle
-Transfer to fridge for about 10 minutes to chill
-Remove when firm
-Enjoy right away

Calories 41
Calories from fat 28
Total Fat 3.1g
Saturated Fat 0.9g
Sodium 2mg
Total Carbs 2.6g
Dietary Fibers 0.9g
Sugar 1.7g
Protein 1.0g
Calcium 1%
Iron 1%

I plan on always having these little treats handy. I made my own chocolate and it was easy, plus they tasted great! That fact that they are Vegan, Gluten free, and Paleo is just the icing on the cake. 

Lets talk New Restaurants

I found a new Restaurant, hidden among the tourist traps that line the piers. 

The Embarcadero
Pier 5
San Francisco, Ca 94105

I’m a tapas kind of girl. Tapas are small plates that are usually shared, instead of ordering hefty main dish, you get to order 3-4 smaller dishes, which gives you more of a variety in your meal. Coqueta is a little on the expensive side, and some of the portions are small, but the flavor combinations are there, and the preparations is flawless. If you enjoy Spanish style Tapas, you will enjoy Coqueta.

I hope everyone has a wonder-filled 4 day weekend. 




Healthy Late Night Snack

Hello Friends

We are that much closer to the 3 day weekend. 

I plan on attending the Sausalito Art Festival. An annual outdoor art event held Labor Day weekend, August 31st to September 2nd, brining artists and community together in Sausalito, featuring exciting artist, gourmet food, fine wines, and a great music line up. 

The festival never dissapoints. I always find fun and creative art to line my walls with. 

Today we are going to talk about Healthy Late Night Snacking

I’ve been late night snacking since I was old enough to reach the 2nd shelf in the refrigerator.  Over the last 5 years I’ve gotten my snacking under control… sometimes. Some nights I’m a lot stronger then others. I usually crave peanut butter, anything salty or savory, and chocolate. I love chocolate at night. Discipline is my friend, but sometimes we are on the outs. Always on the look out for the healthier side of life, I ran across this article in Pop Sugar and just had to share it with all of you. 

Low Calorie Late Night Snacks
by Leta Shy – 7/7/13

The myth that late-night eating is bad for your diet has been disproved but that doesn’t mean you can put just anything into your body and maintain your desired physic. 

The best late-night snacks are easy to digest. Carbs are good. Avoid excessive fiber, protein, and fat, so you don’t get that “overly full” feeling. 

Avoid: Peanut Butter

Many nights you will find me in my kitchen, half naked, slowly devouring a spoonful of peanut butter. I find that it keeps me full, and its oh so satisfying. While I crave peanut butter my thighs are craving something else. Instead of battling those calories during your next work out session replace it with a batch of low-calorie rasin peanut-butter, and top with slices of banana for a filling snack . 

Low Calorie Raisin Peanut Butter 


3/4 cup raisins
1 cup applesauce
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 cup natural creamy peanut butter


Put the raisins, applesauce, and cinnamon in a small saucepan and bring to boil; reduce heat to medium and simmer for eight to 10 minutes or until raisins have plumped up.
Place mixture in a food processor. Add the peanut butter and pulse until smooth.
Spread onto whole wheat crackers, bread, fruit slices, or celery sticks.
Makes 1 3/4 cups of spread.

Avoid: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Grilled cheese is the ultimate comfort food, but the fat count can get excessive. I have not problem avoiding melted cheese late night, but I know other people that aren’t so lucky. 

Instead of the Ultimate Comfort Sandwich, try eating lean protein like turkey, adding leafy greens and one slice of cheese. If you make it Panini style you can still enjoy the best part of a grilled cheese sandwich. 

Avoid: Chips

Craving salty and savory snacks before bed time? 

Instead of devouring a bag of chips make some stove-top popcorn. It only takes a few minutes and its much better for you than store-brought bags. 
*Sprinkle parmesan cheese on top to help satisfy those butter cravings.  

Avoid: Candy

I’ve never been a candy person, but I do enjoy sweets at night. I feel like dinner isn’t over until I have some kind of desert. Instead of eatting your favoirte candy try these Strawberry Banana Yogurt Creams. They are sweet just like candy, with only 1/4th of the calories. 

8 Strawberries
2oz vanilla Greek yogurt
1/2 small banana
1 teaspoon sliced almonds

-Mash Bananas in small bowl with fork and mix in yogurt
-Use knife and carve out the middle of each strawberry
-Fill center of each strawberry with banana yogurt mixture
-Top with sliced Almonds 

Makes 1 serving

I will be trying these bad boys tonight!

Avoid: Nut Butter Overdose
Nut butters are good for you, but they also contain a high amount of healthy fats which you do not need to consume at night. Not only can it effect your sleep it can also expand your waist line. 
*Portion control is the key

Medjool Almond Butter halves
1 large Medjool date filled with almond butter and granola should satisfy your nut butter cravings. 

Avoid: Cookies!

Need something sweet? I know I do, especially at night. These dark chocolate and coconut almond treats. Make them while making dinner, refrigerate for at least 10 minutes to let them set. At only 41 calories per snack they will not undo your healthy day. 

I am making these treats tonight! I’ll let you know how they turned out. 

Avoid: Ice Cream

I have a love hate relationship with Ice Cream. I never had any problems with it, until I started gaining weight from my late night trips to the freezer. I threw out all the ice cream in my house, and I refuse to purchase any more. When I really need some ice cream I turn to a trick my mother taught me. Purchase your favorite yogurt, purchase popsicle sticks and make your own yogurt pops. They are satisfying, and you don’t realize its not ice cream until your almost done with your pop. Thanks Mom!

I hope some of these snacks sound good to all of you. In a perfect world late night snacking would be no problem, but in my world its a everyday battle. At least, now I have some healthy snacks to turn. 

Have a wonderful Thursday. 

Blessings my Friends


My Story

Hello Friends

Its hump day!

My readership is expanding, which is very exciting. I figured its time to share my story again, I haven’t  shared it since my first posting which was a loooong time ago. Here you go. This is Me. 

Hello Everyone, Family, Friends, and Strangers

For those who don’t know me, my name is Mary, I am a true California Girl, who loves to travel, while finding and creating adventures. Growing up I ate my way into obesity, which spilled over into my early adult years. Going through my parents divorce, college, and a few lazy, selfish, and  irresponsibly boyfriends my weight rose to a whopping 300+ pounds. It got so bad that I stopped taking pictures, shopping, and hanging out with my friends.  

Spending countless hours hiding in my apartment, hiding from the world, and hiding from myself. Until one day I realized I was hiding from my life. It was passing me by and I had nothing to show for it. No experiences, no real true love, no excitement. It was time to make a change, a real change, a life change. I realized my weight was physically, mentally, and spiritually holding me back. I wanted to live, but where should I start?

 It was time to create a personalized weight loss self-empowerment program. I wanted real change, not a fad diet or a quick fix.  I named my program Baby Steps. 

Baby Steps is all about creating small changes that turn into big changes, which in-turn changed my life. Within a year I was successful at losing over 100+ pounds; but that was only the beginning of my journey. I now reciting positive affirmations daily, meditation has become an every day occurrence, and I even wrote a book about my experiences.

My mission is to let people to know that you can change, you can create the life you always longed for. I am currently working as a Motivational Coach and Traveling  Personal Trainer. I’ve currently expanded my reach, by utlizing facetime and skype I am able to reach clients all over the world. My goal is to address teen obesity plus inspire & motivate anyone that wants to listen. I look forward to expanding my friend bank, making a difference, and touching as many lives as possible.

Lets Go!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life…. Make it count
Thats me! I’ve been into the fire and made it out. Nothing seems impossible to me anymore. Everything is just a challenge that I know I can and will conqure. 
To the top! 

Blessings my friends

Zucchini Chips, Unrealistic Body Goals, and Self Love

Hello Friends!

It’s Tuesday, which means we are that much closer to Friday. 

Yesterday was very productive for me, and today should be the same. 

Lets talk about Zucchini Chips. I followed the instruction, it was a simple recipe, the hardest part was coating the zucchini, but that’s always a little messy. When I first pulled them out of the oven I wasn’t very impressed, but as they cooled off I noticed they disappeared within 10 minutes. 

Confession: I ate the entire batch of Zucchini chips and had no room for dinner last night. They were that good. It’s hard to tell that they are low fat. 

These were fun to make, and every funner to eat. I can see why kids gobble these healthy tasty treats right up. 

Lets talk about Unrealistic Body Goals

As a Personal Trainer one of my daily chores is to educate women on what they can and cannot achieve with exercise and diet. I am a curvy voluptuous woman, my shape is desired by many people, and it does help me obtain clients. 

Red Flag Statement: “I want to look just like you, if I work out with you will I look just like you in 6 months?”

As flattered as I am, the answer is always NO.  My shape is my shape. My big boobs, my small waist, my big hips and my gravity defying booty is in my genetic blueprint. But I can help you get in the best shape of your life, which will tighten up your mid-section, lift your rear end, while re-shaping and toning upper-body. I know it’s not the answer that my potential clients are looking for, but it’s the truth. I’m only selling truth, not dreams. 

I always teach self-love. Love yourself, love your body, you will be with it for the rest of your life. You can’t hate your butt, because it’s your butt, learn to live with it, then learn to love it. 

I didn’t always love my body, there was a long period of my life that I hated my body. I wished I looked like my sister, she was slim on the top and heavy on the bottom. I figured she was perfect, and I was constantly depressed. It took me 26 years to realize my body was just as desirable as her body, it was just different. 

Common Body Goals that are Unrealistic 
Shape Magazine 8/21/13

Thigh Gap

For most women the only way to not have your thighs touch is to rearrange your bone structure. 

*No diet or fitness plan is going to change your bone structure. 

Urban Legend: Birth control Pills have extra Estrogen that will help widen your hips and create that gap.

That doesn’t work, you cannot control your hip size

Personal Reflection:
I’m not into the thigh gap revolution. I did read an article about a group of teenage girls that were starving themselves to obtain the “hip gap”. As much as I’m not a fan, I can understand wanting to look as thin and sexy as possible. This goes back to loving yourself. I would love to have a sexy thigh gap, but I’ve never had one, and I have a sneaky feeling that I will never have a thigh gap, which I am willing to live with. 

V-Cut Abs

Some women carry weight in their midsection which makes it close to impossible to have those ripped V-Cut abs that are all the rage.  You many even have abs, that are hidden under a layer of fat. 

*You may need to drop body fat to an unhealthy level to achieve this look.

Personal Reflection:
I want a 6pack!! My goal was a 6 pack by summer. This is where i am at now: 

I’m pretty happy with how flat my abdominals are, I still want a  6 pack, and I’m learning so do most women. I’m working everyday towards that goal. Maybe one day I will finally reach what has been unreachable, regardless of the results I will never stop trying. 

Tone Arms

Michelle Obama, Madonna, Kelly Ripa
All these women have wonderfully toned arms, the kind that put most of us to shame. 

*Fact: It takes as little as 6 weeks of consistent strength training to tighten your triceps and biceps. That doesn’t mean you will be as ripped as Michelle Obama but you will see some improvement. 

Personal Reflection: I’ve always wanted sexy toned arms. When I met my boyfriend I was ripped. I used to do 100 push-ups every morning, followed by 5-10 pull ups, which gave me those sexy cuts that are desired. Within the last 3 years my weight yo-yoed and my sexy arms went away. I was devastated, but I never gave up. I tried to go back to push-ups but they were boring, and unexciting. Instead of push-ups I started Kettle Bell training, and add complexed plank movements to my workout routine. After a lot of sweat and pain my sexy arms are back in action. I can’t compete with Madonna, but I do have definition in my biceps and triceps, not to mention I feel stronger and sexier then ever. 

Concave Stomach

Go to any beach in Miami, it seems like those women have the formula to a stomach that sinks in when they bend over. 

*Fact: Fit abs tend to bulge outward. The only way to have a stomach that collapse inward is to lose an unhealthy amount of weight. 

Personal Reflection:
I don’t know about this one. I blame it on genetics. One of my good friends stomach sinks in when she bends over, but she has also been a size 2 for the last 15 years. Other then her I personally don’t know anyone who is so lucky. I know when I bend over my stomach pokes out, in a very unattractive way. I’ve learn to live with it, my body is my body, no use in hoping for something that is never going to happen for me. 
This entire post is about Self Love. Learn to love yourslef, its important. 
Blessings my Friends

Marketing, Train Insane, and Zucchini Chips

Happy Monday, 

I had a very relaxing weekend, which should lead into a uber productive week. 

This week I’m doing research for my walking club. The plan is to start marketing on the 1st of September, I need to walk around, and find different trails that will challenge cardio endurance. There are plenty of hills where I live, and I plan on utilizing them. There are also lots of stairs around my neighborhood, and stairs are always a challenge, no matter how often you do or do not exercise. 

I’m also starting a new marketing campaigns to get fit for the holidays. Always one to look ahead, the time of the year is quickly approaching where you have to see family and friends. It’s time to start sweating to make sure you look your best while being asked about marriage, kids, and your life goals. 

The hardest part of my marketing campaign is creating a website. I know how to do it, but it’s been so long that I’m very very very nervous about jumping back into the coding world, I know a website is imperative to growing to my business. 

That’s enough business talk

New exercise routine!

My body has been looking good lately, and I figure this is the best time to rev up my exercise regiment. 

I completed this workout on Saturday and it kick my butt, in a great way. 

10 minuted timed stretched
5 minuted timed foam rolling 
25 In-0uts
25 Bicycles
25 Reverse Bicycles
25 Crunchy Frogs
25 wide leg situps
25 Scissors
25 Hip Butt Ups
25 Heels to Heaven
25 Roll Up Vs
25 Leg climbers
25 Kayakers
60 second plank
60 second Side Plank (left)
60 second Side Plank (right)
– 2 minute timed break
Plank 10s (x3)
25 deep Squat (x3)
25 around the world lunges (x3)
25 Up downs (x3)
25 Rotating planks (x3)
-2 minute timed cool down
10 minuted timed stretch
5 minuted timed foam rolling. 

What a workout. I wanted to quit after my first set of the last 5 exercises, but my new motto  kept me going. 

Train insane or remain the same

Tonight I’m going to make these Zucchini chips. Not only are they healthy, they look tasty and they can help curb my chip cravings. 

-1/4 cup breadcrumbs
-1/4 grated parmesan cheese (optional)
-1/8 tsp black pepper
-1/2 heaping cup whole wheat flour
-1 cup cold milk
-1 tsp apple cider vinegar
-2- 1/2 cups sliced zucchini (about 2 small zucchinis)

-Pre Heat oven to 425 degrees
-In a small medium bowl combine breadcrumbs & cheese  & black pepper
-In separate bowl add flour, milk, and vinegar
-Gently stir until combined but do not over stir
-Dip zucchini Slices in flour mixture
-Dredge in breadcrumb mixture
-Place coated zucchini sliced on baking sheet (use pam or line with foil)
-Bake for 30 minutes
-Flip slices over once halfway through cooking
-cook until browned and crispy

Wish me luck. The recipe seems easy enough. Can’t wait to try them 

Have a wonder-fill Monday!


Unpacking, Random Acts of Kindness, and Namu Gaji

Good Morning Friends,

It’s Friday, and I’m busy. I have to finish unpacking, which will take me a couple of hours, but I am up for it. We have some company coming over on Saturday, and the house needs to be unpacked and clean. That’s what I get to tackle today. I even got up a few hours early to make sure I have enough time to clean and get a 2 hour workout in. Now thats dedication. 

Everyday is a good day to spread love

 @ariellecaputo has a blog where she posted creative ways to spread love. 


Last night My boyfriend and I went to a restaurant called Namu Gaji and I fell in love. It is officially my favorite restaurant. It was so good we are going back tonight. At first glance the menu didn’t look very appetizing to me, but man was I wrong. They really celebrate the vegetables at this restaurant, while layering flavors, exotic spices, and creative preparations. If you are ever in the San Francisco, and you find yourself around Dolores park look for Namu Gaji, you will not be disappointed. 

Starting from the left and continuing clockwise: Drangons Tongue (leeks), Cabbage, Dumplings (shiitake mushrooms), Chicken wings (i didn’t taste them, but they looked good), okonomiyaki (koren seafood pancake, ohhhhhhh so good) 

Namu Gaji 
Korean, American food 
499 Dolores St, San Francisco94110
between 18th and Dorland St
Thats all folks!
Time to get to work. 
Enjoy your weekend

Cardio, Unpacking, DIY, and Abdominals

Good Morning Friends

I’m super tired today, but i’m not sure why. I went to bed at 11pm, I usually get to bed sometime after 12am, but sometimes more sleep doesn’t equal rested for me. 
Today should be easy enough. I have to meet with my old landlord to return a few things, and pick a things I left behind. He hasn’t mentioned my security deposit, so today is the day I ask him about it, then off to the gym to do some cardio for an hour and a half. After all that torture, back to the house to finally finish unpacking. Everything is in its place, except all of my clothes. That’s what I get to tackle today.
Do It Yourself, creative jewelry holders

I’m going to try to create a few of these, I have so much jewelry, and no where to put it. 
It’s also time to find a new abdominal routine, that keeps my stomach tight, taunt, and flat. My tummy has been looking great these past few weeks. I’m getting used to my current ab workout, but I’m also scared to start something new, and not get the same resutls. I’m sure i’ll find the correct combination of exercises, but i’m always extra cautions when it comes to my  mid-section. 

I love this poster, its just what I needed.  
Time to get going. 
Hope you all have a wonderful day

Intervals, good posture, and lower body exercises

Hello Friends

It’s time to rev up my exercise routine… again. Ever since I got back from Canada I can tell my body is looking for more of a challenge, and I’m always looking for the next step in my journey.  I have a lot of traveling coming up this year, and I need to Keep It Tight. #keepinititght
Always a woman that cherishes a little  interval training, I’m adding this circuit to my routine 5-6 days a week. 

Now that we got intervals out of the way, lets focus on good posture. 
Feeling great so far, its time to tackle some new lower body exercises. 
Activation exercises
– Glute Bridges

– Lying Side clam

– Bird Dog

Time to Work Exercises
-High Step Ups
– Dead Lifts

– Bulgarian Spilt Squats

Stretch out that booty
Hip Flexor Stretch

Piriformis Stretch

That’s enough for one day. Tomorrow we will tackle one of my favorite parts of the body to work. Abdominals. 
Ms Mary

Blogging and Pink Slim

Hello Friends

Finally things are getting back to normal. At least as normal as they will be for a while. AT&T finally pulled through and got my Internet up and working!

I’m a happy happy girl. #happygirl

I’ve been living on 3G for the past week and it was really starting to affect me. I also realized that I am a Blogger and I love it, I wouldn’t want to live without it. At first it felt like torture, finding interesting things to talk about on a daily based, editing and rewriting posts multiple times, trying to get your readership up, marketing yourself on Facebook… Ugh I hated that part, but it did jump start my business and my blog. An array of technicians were in and out of my new home, installing all of my wants and needs, and when asked what I did for a living BLOGGER spewed out of mouth like hot soup. Not personal trainer, or life coach, which is currently how I make my living, my only means of survival. I identify myself as a Blogger. As silly and corny as I am, I think I’ve found my voice. Thanks for listening.

This article disgusted me. I couldn’t believe it, and I’m also not surprised

Sorry McDonald’s lovers yucky news!!

Hamburger chef Jamie Oliver has just won the battle against one if the largest fast food chains in the world. After Oliver showed how McDonald’s hamburgers are made, the franchise announced it will change its recipe.

According to Oliver, the fatty parts of beef are “washed” in ammonium hydroxide and used in the filling of the burger. Before this process, according to the presenter, the food is deemed unfit for human consumption. 

According to the chef and presenter, Jamie Oliver, who has undertaken a war against the fast food industry: “Basically, we’re taking product that would be sold in the cheapest way for dogs, and after this process, is being given to human beings.

Besides the low quality of the meat, the ammonium hydroxide is harmful to health. Oliver calls it “the pink slim process.”

“Why would any sensible human being put meat filled with ammonium in the mouths of their children?” Asked the chef, who wages a war against the fast food industry.

In one if his initiatives, Oliver demonstrates to children how nuggets are made. After selecting the best parts of the chicken, the remains (fat, skin, and internal organs) are processed for these fried foods.

The company, Arcos Dorados, the franchise manager in Latin America, said such procedure is not practiced in the region. The same applies to the product in Ireland and the UK, where they use meat from local suppliers.

In the United States, Burger King and Taco Bell has already abandoned the use of ammonia in their products. The food industry uses ammonium hydroxide as in anti-microbial agent in meats, which has allowed McDonald’s to use otherwise “inedible meat”

Even more disturbing is that because ammonium hydroxide is considered part of the “component in a production procedure” by the USDA, consumers may not know when the chemical, is in their food.

On the official website of McDonald’s, the company, claims their meat is cheap because, while serving many people everyday, they are able to buy from their suppliers at a lower price, and offer the best quality products.

In addition, the franchise denied that the decision to change the recipe is related to Jamie Oliver’s campaign. On the site, McDonalds has admitted that they have abandoned the beef filler from its burger patties. 

Yucky Yuck Yuck. 
That’s all there is left to say about that.
Hearts my friends,
Ms Mary


This happens to me a every time I reach my physical goals, stalkers appeared out of nowhere. My definition of stalkers are men that follow me in grocery stores, department stores, and parking lots. They don’t approach me, no one throws out a corny line or asks what my name is, they  just stare at me from afar, smiling, licking their lips, with a look of shock and amazement. Stalkers watch my every move, they are memorized by my style and beauty and they usually don’t know what to do. 

I wish I could say I enjoy all of this male attention, but in 2013 it’s a scary world out there. Instead of basking in the glow of male affection I’m a lot more leary while in public. 

My father was a drill sergeant and I’ve been trained all of my life to watch my back and stay on my toes. I’ve always been a girl that’s overly alert, which is the only reason, I believe, that I’ve never had any real issues, and now-a-days I’m more alert than ever.

As much as I like being admired I realize there is a serious element of danger that comes along with being a beautiful, sexy, woman. I’ve never had the courtesy of thinking nothing could happen to me. Instead I’m constantly on my guard, looking for the nearest exit, watching others watch me, and practicing safety tips I’ve learn throughout my adventurous life. 

Today I’m sharing a few of my favorite tips, and stories, everyone should be aware of their surroundings. Your life is precious and you should treat it as such.

Self Defense Tips

The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do!

If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you….  Chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!

If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights, stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy.. The driver won’t see you, but everybody else will. This has saved lives.

 Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, making a list, etc.) DON’T DO THIS! A predator may be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR , LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE.

 ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot. (This is especially true at NIGHT!)

 If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; and even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.  RUN, preferably in a zig-zag pattern!

 As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked ‘for help’ into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.

Another Safety Point: Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late and she thought it was weird.. The police told her ‘Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door….’ The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a window, and she was worried that it would crawl to the street and get run over. The policeman said, ‘We already have a unit on the way, whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.’ He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby’s cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby. He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that they hear baby’s cries outside their doors when they’re home alone at night.

Water scam! If you wake up in the middle of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is a burst pipe, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These people turn on all your outside faucets full blast so that you will go out to investigate and then attack. This was mentioned on America’s Most Wanted when they profiled the serial killer in Louisiana.

I know it’s Monday, but safety is important.

Yesterday a man followed me around Ross, a department store, then he followed me to Starbucks. He didn’t approach me, he kept 15-20 feet distance between us and watched me. I noticed the man and decided to go to CVS, in the same shopping center,  that always has security guards. The man followed me to CVS. As soon as I saw security I chatted him up, the man saw me talking to security and backed off. I even pointed in the direction of the man and told the guard that he had followed me around 2 stores. The guard perked up and told me to stay with him until the man in question left the shopping center. I think the stalker got the point because he immediately  headed to his car and left. I hung out with security for 10 minutes and then proceeded to head home, constantly checking my rear view mirrors to make sure I wasn’t being followed. 

I know it sounds like a movie, but this is real life, something that happened to me over the weekend.

Stay safe my friends. Always be aware of your surroundings, it might save your life one day.

Ms Mary
