Challenge Monday

Fitness Challenge

I challenge you to complete my Summer Arms II workout 5 days this week

Challenge Synopsis

  • Complete my Summer Arm II workout 5 days this week
  • Always focus on form rather than speed
  • Complete each exercise at a steady pace
  • Rest when you need it and always go before your ready

Why Why Why

  • It’s officially spring and it’s time for strapless dresses and tank tops
  • I designed this workout to tone, lift and shape, your arms quick fast and in a hurry
  • Because you want to improve your body and I’m here to help


  • Water 
  • Stopwatch or timer
  • Exercise Mat or Big Towel
  • Light Dumbbells 3-5-8 pounds depending on your strength 


Summer Arms Workout II
*complete exercise routine at your own risk
* for modified versions of these exercises email me
* do not use any weight over 10 pounds for these exercises unless you are advanced. We are toning not bulking up 

Arm Circles 
30 seconds each side
Complete 3 sets

Stretches shoulders and traps
  • Stand up and extend arms straight out by sides. The arms should be parallel to the floor and perpendicular to torso
  • Slowly start making circles with each arm out reached
  • Continue the circular motion for 30 seconds, then reverse the movement in the opposite direction
Advanced Inchworms 
10-12 reps 
Complete 3 sets

Targets entire body
  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart, place hands on ground in front of your toes 
  • Knees can be slightly bent, slowly walk your hands out away from your body until you reach plank position
  • Once you are in plank position complete one push up
  •  Slowly walk your hands back towards your feet and stand 
  • Complete one squat
  • That is one rep
Triceps Push Backs 
10-12 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets Triceps 
  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, holding dumbbells in each hand arms straight down at sides palms facing back
  • Lift arms straight back about 2 feet behind you
  • Return to dies
  • That’s one rep
Crab Walk 
10-12 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets abs, chest, shoulders, arms
  • Position your arms and legs underneath your body while pointing your stomach up, like a table top. 
  • Walk right hand and foot a few inches out to the right thigh, follow by your left hand and feet
  • Continue to do this 2 times to the right and then walk them back
Push Ups 
10-15 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets entire body, mostly upper body, shoulders, core, and endurance

Side Plank Reach 
10-12 reps – each side
Complete 3 sets

Targets obliques, abs, butt, shoulder, lower back
  • Lie down with your left side on an exercise mat 
  • Place your feet together on top of each other, next prop yourself up on your hand. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders 
  • Raise your right arm up then dive it down reaching under your right side twist so that your chest becomes parallel to floor, pause and then twist back to starting position. 
  • That is one rep
Half Moon Rotation 
15-20 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets shoulders, biceps, triceps
  • Stand with feet hip width apart, arms straight out to side at shoulder height fingers together and palms down
  • Rotate thumbs back until palms face up
  • Rotate thumbs forward Keeping arms lifted during rep
Plank Up Downs 
10-12 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets arms, chest, shoulders, core, endurance
  • Assume push up position, make sure body is tight and core is contracted, 
  • Lower yourself onto your elbows raise the right side of your body by pressing your right hand against the floor and straighten your arm. 
  • Raise left side of body in same manner, lower yourself back to your elbows, keep your body tight and core contracted through the entire exercise
Chest Press Leg Drop  
10-12 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets total body
  • Place light dumbbells in hands lying face up with leg extended straight up over hips (knees can be bent if needed) and arms open to sides of shoulders (like goal post) elbows a few inches off the floor. 
  • Lower legs to a 45 degree angle ( avoid arching your lower back) as arms extend straight over chest, return to start that is one rep.
High V  
15-20 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets shoulder, triceps
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended overhead in a V, palms facing out to sides
  • Slowly bend elbows to hips, palms facing body
  • Press back up into a V
  • That’s one rep
Overhead Bend
15-20 reps
Complete 3 sets

Targets Shoulders, Triceps, Core

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand
  • Extend right arm overhead and to left while keeping your shoulder down, hinge at waist
  • Lower Elbow to hip 
  • Alternate hands 

My Take
I’ve been working hard on getting my arms back to where they used to be and I’m finally starting to see some results. It took about 4-6 and I’m still working hard on these guns. This exercise routine was designed to tone, lift, and shape your arms. To get real results continue this workout for 4-6 weeks. I promise it works.

Nutrition Challenge

Increase your daily whole grain intake 

Challenge Synopsis

  • Make it a point to consume at least one serving of whole grains a day
  • I will post a few whole grain recipes tomorrow 

Why Why Why

  • Eating whole grains instead of refined grains lowers the risk of many chronic diseases
  • Some whole grain foods are healthier than others
  • Processed grains should be eaten less often
  • Benefits of eating whole grains daily  
    • Stroke risk reduced by 30-36%
    • Type 2 diabetes risk reduced by 21-30%
    • Heart disease risk reduced by 25-28%
    • Better weight maintenance
    • Reduce of asthma
    • Healthier arteries
    • Reduction of inflammatory disease risk
    • Lower risk of certain cancers
    • Healthier blood pressure levels
    • Less gum disease and tooth loss


  • Willpower and Disciple
  • Stock up on farro, brown rice, buckwheat, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, quinoa


  • Try to eat at least one serving of whole grains a day
  • Replace your side dishes at dinner with whole grains
  • Make a healthy whole grain based salad to eat for lunch this week

My Take
All of my challenges are about slowly swapping your bad eating habits with good ones. I lost over 100 pounds by slowly challenging myself to change my eating habits. Replacing the bad foods I loved with foods that actually fueled my mind, body, and soul. I kept challenging myself and changing my diet until I actually starting enjoying the healthy food, and my good eating habits finally stuck. By participating in my weekly challenges you are setting yourself up for success. The success you deserve.

Self Help Challenge
I challenge you to 
Quit a bad habit this week 

Challenge Synopsis

  • Identify some bad habits you want to, and are willing, to change
  • Make a pledge to yourself to quit a bad habit
  • Make the habit hard but obtainable  

Why Why Why

  • Bad habits are meant to be broken
  • To improve yourself 
  • Because habits can hold you back from reaching and exceeding your true potential 
  • Any habit change opens up new possibilities


  • Paper or journal 
  • Your favorite writing utensil
  • A little imagination 
  • Willingness to get out of your comfort zone to truly change yourself 
  • Honesty, an open mind, and a good sense of humor
  • A buddy to keep you honest (optional but recommended) 


  • Put a piece of paper in front of you and write down “good things to move forward to” and compile a list
  • Imagine the advantages of your habit change
  • On the same piece of paper write down ” Bad things to move away from” 
  • This list will help you narrow down bad habits you might be willing to ditch
  • Here are some common bad habits  
    • Snacking non-stop even when you are not hungry
    • Spending too much time on the couch watching TV
    • Overspending
    • Eating fast food daily
    • Behavior that leaves you angry, worried, or stressed behavior that leaves you angry all the time
    • Skipping meals 
    • Drinking too much alcohol 
    • Smoking cigarettes
    • Overusing pain killers and sedatives
My Take
Everyday I work on improving myself, it’s trait that I pride myself on. I want all of you to feel as accomplished as I do. Take the challenge and get yourself out of that dreaded comfort zone

That’s all today folks
Blessings Friends,
Ms Mary 


Headline Fridays and DIY Nails

I’m starting to like Headline Friday
 Check out this weeks headlines

Your Brain on Knitting 
by Jacque Wilson – CNN Health – March 25, 2014

A woman named Sarah Huertas was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and extreme anxiety so her husband gave her knitting needles

Crafting can help those who suffer from anxiety, depression, and chronic pain

It can also ease stress, increase happiness, and protect the brain from damage caused by aging

Our bodies are in a constant state of stress because our brain can’t tell the difference between an up coming meeting with the boss and an upcoming bear attack. Schindler says, the repetitive motions of knitting, for example, activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which quiets the “fight or flight” respond

There’s survey evidence to support crafting dopamine effect. in one study of over 3,500 knitters, 81% reported feeling happy after  knitting

Weekend Weight Gain Might Be OK…
by Jacque Wilson – CNN Health – February 6, 2014

New study suggest small weight gains on the weekends are normal and as long as you can compensate during the week, overindulging might even assist in long term weight loss

Long term habits may make more of a difference than short-term splurges

Flexible eating patterns may help you sustain overall healthy eating habits over time

Cannabis treatments help ease MS symptoms
by Jacque Wilson – CNN Health – February 6, 2014

New study suggest small weight gains on the weekends are normal and as long as you can compensate during the week, overindulging might even assist in long term weight loss

Long term habits may make more of a difference than short-term splurges

Flexible eating patterns may help you sustain overall healthy eating habits over time

Marijuana Pills and Spray ease MS Symptoms

by Saundra Young – CNN Health – March 24, 2014

Medical marijuana maybe the most effective complementary or alternative medicine to provide relief of symptoms caused by MS – according to new guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

“This is the first-ever review, evidence- based recommendation, on the treatment of MS with cannabis therapies”

Cannabis therapy helps reduce specific symptoms and prevent relapse or further disability

More research is needed 

DIY Cute Dot Designs

I like putting dots all over my nails, but sometimes it can look immature and a little childish. I’m at an event and I need to be taken seriously.

 This week I used my dotter tool and my favorite football teams colors, red and gold. This manicure is slick, hip, while not looking like a teenager. 

Paint 8 of your nails in a light pink. The color I used it called Sugar coat.

Pick a nail on each hand to be a little different and paint each one a different color

Let nails dry,
 using your dotter place 2 dots matching the 2 colors you painted your “fun” nails with, place dots on left side of nail on left hand and on right side of day on the other hand

Have fun with your dots. Get creative
Paint with high quality quick drying top coat

I tried this dot design last week, it was super cute


I’m in Tahoe for the weekend. Pictures will be posted on Monday.
Blessings Friends,
Ms Mary

Winner or Loser

I plan on being successful in life, I work toward my success everyday, but it’s not as easy as I want it to be. There are a lot of late nights, early mornings, uncertainty, and just plain ole’ fear. To keep my spirits high I looked up traits of the successful, the unsuccessful, and tips to get me where I want to go. 

Traits of Winners

They know when to stay and when to leave
They do more than what’s asked of them
They are willing to fail in order to eventually succeed
They know that they make their own luck
They set real goals that they can accomplish
They take accountability for themselves and their accounts

They know who they are and their place in the world
They create instead of just consuming
They have a sense of gratitude
They exude joy and embrace change 
They are more excited about the journey than the destination 
They ask the right questions to people who can deliver the right answers
They are life-long learns who push themselves out of their comfort zones
Traits of Losers

They hold a grudges
They blame others for their failures
They think they know it all
They don’t know what they want to be
They fear change
They Watch TV everyday
They take all the credit of their victories
They have a sense of entitlement
They take and do not give
They look for hundreds of reasons to justify their unsuccessful life
They drift through life

Now that we know the traits of the successful and the unsuccessful, how do we take control of our own fate? 

Everyone wants to be successful in life, these tips are supposed to get us moving in the correct direction

Ways to Win 

Think Big
Find a way to love and do it
Learn how to balance life
Don’t be afraid of failure
Have an unwavering resolution to succeed
Be a person of action
Avoid conflicts
Don’t be afraid of introducing new ideas
Believe in your capacity to succeed
Always maintain a positive mental attitude
Don’t let discouragement stop you from pressing on
Be hard working
Be brave enough to follow you intuition 

That was fun!
Enjoy your day

Facts About Women, Men, & Marriage


Women speak about 20,000 words a day – That’s 13,000 more than the average man

The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes

The smell of newborn babies excites women in the same way an addict craving for drugs enjoy his fix

40% of births in the US come from unmarried women

Women spend nearly 1 year of their lives deciding what to wear

Women cry on average between 30 and 64 times a year, while men cry between 6 and 7 times

4% of women in the US are pregnant right now

Women spend over 4 years (in total) of their lives menstruating


The guy who kisses his wife goodbye before work averages a higher income than the guy who doesn’t 

Fat men are 42% less likely to commit suicide

Carrots are good for male fertility

Men go through hormonal changes during their partner’s pregnancy

Mens brains are 10% larger than women’s brain, but that doesn’t make them smarter

75% of men wash their hands after using a public restroom, 90% of women do

Husbands are the happiest if they did not participate in decisions regarding household matters – Husbands who had opinions about these issues were more likely to be involved in spousal arguments
The average married couple has sex 68.5 times a year, which is slightly more than once a week
80% of all marriages in history were between second cousins or closer
The word bride comes from an old proton-germanic word meaning 
75% of people who marry partners from an affair eventually divorce
Einstein, Darwin, Allan Poe, and  Saddam Hussein all married their first cousins
Most married couples are happiest in their 3rd year of marriage
There are 100 divorces every hour in the US
Have a great day!

Healthy Fat Snack Recipes

As promised today is all about healthy snacks recipes that contain good fats.

Avocado Rice Cake

1/2 mashed up avocado
pinch of sea salt and freshly ground pepper
1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice
2 brown rice, rice cakes

  • Mash avocado with a fork, add lemon juice, salt and pepper 
  • Spread onto 2 brown rice cakes
  • Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!

This is a Power Snacks! Avocados provided us with over 20 essential nutrients like fiber, potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins, folic acid and much much more.  Plus avocados contain good fats

Recipe found on Rabbit Food For My Bunny Teeth

Almond Butter Rice Cake

2 tbs almond butter
2 brown rice. rice cakes
Sliced Apples
drizzle of honey 

  • Spread almond butter equally on two brown rice, rice cakes 
  • Top with Apples and honey 
  • Enjoy

Another Power Snack! Almond butter is a great substitute for peanut butter, it contains healthy fats and omega3 fatty acids and all the other goodies found in almonds like protein, amino acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and much much more


Matcha Chia Pudding

1-1/2 cups almond milk
1 tsp virgin coconut oil melted
2 tsp agave or maple syrup

4 tbs chia seeds
1/2-1 tsp matcha green tea 

  • Add almond milk and matcha to blender and blend until smooth 
  • With blender at its lowest setting pour melted coconut oil, chia seeds, sweeteners, and pinch of salt 
  • Allow mixture to combine and blend for a minute 
  • Pour chia seeds mixture into a large container and place in fridge, stirring every 15 minutes for the first hour to disperse chia seeds 
  • Chill for at least 4 hours, over night is best

**vegan and grain free
*the longer you chill the thicker the pudding gets
*If you like matcha green tea you will enjoy the flavor, if you don’t, be aware, the tea can be bitter, but its really really good for you. 

This is  a Power Snack! Chia seeds are natural energy booster full with tons of nutrients, green matcha tea is a cancer fighting, fat burner and that’s only the beginning. For more information about the benefits of Green Matcha Tea Click Here

Recipe found on

Avocado Smoothie

1 whole avocado
1 cup pinapple chunks (fresh or frozen)
2 stalks celery
1/2 cup spinach or kale
1 bannana
2 tbs honey or agave nector
1/2 cup almond milk

Prep and blend to perfection


Trail Mixes are awesome because they contain mostly nuts, which are a great source of protein and healthy fats. Nuts are full of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, both are healthy fats and are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

Make sure to watch your protein sizes when snacking on these tasty mixes. I store my trail mix in a mason jars when I’m ready to snack I measure out 3-4 tbs and place it in a small bowl, its about 170 calories per serving. Trail Mix can be tricky, they are good for you and easy to over eat.

Classic Trail Mix

1/2 cup almonds
1/2 cup salted peanuts
1/4 cup cranberries or raisins
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips

Mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container

Monkey Mix

1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1/2 cup whole roasted almonds
1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
1/2 cup raw cashews
1/2 cup banana chips broken in half
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup dark chocolate chunks or chips

Mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container

Lentil Trail Mix

1 cup uncooked red lentils
1/2 cup raw pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
1/2 cup roasted salted sunflowers seeds
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/3 cups diced apricots
1/8 tsp sea salt
*grain free trail mix
Soak lentils in 4 cups of water for 4-6 hours, soaking reduces the gas and bloating effects
Preheat oven to 350 degrees, drain and rinse lentils well, spread on 12×9 rimmed baking sheet and sprinkle with salt
Bake on middle rack for 30-35 minutes or until lentils are crisp and crunchy allow to coll to room temp
Dice apricots, place in bowl or on large cutting board
Mix all ingredients together and transfer to an airtight container

That’s all today friends
All these snack contain healthy fats and they are delicious, a Win Win!

Have a great Tuesday 

Challenge Monday

Fitness Challenge
I challenge you to complete my Summer Arms workout 5 days this week

Challenge Synopsis

  • Complete my Summer Arm Workout 5 days this week
  • Focus on form rather than speed
  • Complete each exercise at a steady pace
  • Rest when you need it and always go before your ready

Why Why Why

  • Since we have been focusing on butts these last few weeks I felt like it was time to tackle those arms
  • This workout will tone the biceps, triceps, deltoids, extensors, flexors, chest, and core. By toning all of these muscles you are able to give your upper body a much needed lift
  • It’s tank top season
  • There is nothing better than a nice pair of shoulders on a woman


    • Water 
    • Stopwatch
    • Light Weights 3-5 pounds
    • Exercise Mat or Big Towel


    Summer Arms Workout
    *complete exercise routine at your own risk
    * for modified versions of these exercises email me

    Arm Circles 
    30 seconds each side
    Complete 3 sets

    Stretches shoulders and traps

    • Stand up and extend arms straight out by sides. The arms should be parallel to the floor and perpendicular to torso. 
    • Slowly start making circles with each arm out reached. 
    • Continue the circular motion for 30 seconds, then reverse the movement in the opposite direction
    8-10 reps 
    Complete 3 sets

    Targets entire body

    • Stand with feet shoulder width apart, place hands on ground in front of your toes 
    • Knees can be slightly bent, slowly walk your hands out away from your body until you reach plank position
    • Once you are in plank position, slowly walk your hands back towards your feet and stand 
    • That is one rep

    Air Plane Extensions 
    10-15 reps
    Complete 3 sets

    Targets core, butt, lower back, shoulders

    • Lie face down and extend your arms out at shoulders level with your palms facing the floor 
    • Pull your shoulder blades together and lift your arms, legs, and chest off the floor. 
    • Holding that position for one count, then move them back.  Lower yourself to the floor, that’s one rep
    Crab Walk 
    8-10 reps
    Complete 3 sets

    Targets abs, chest, shoulders, arms

    • Position your arms and legs underneath your body while pointing your stomach up, like a table top. 
    • Walk right hand and foot a few inches out to the right thigh, follow by your left hand and feet
    • Continue to do this 2 times to the right and then walk them back
    Push Ups 
    10-15 reps
    Complete 3 sets

    Targets entire body, mostly upper body, shoulders, core, and endurance

    Side Plank Reach 
    8-10 reps – each side
    Complete 3 sets

    Targets obliques, abs, butt, shoulder, lower back

    • Lie down with your left side on an exercise mat 
    • Place your feet together on top of each other, next prop yourself up on your hand. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders 
    • Raise your right arm up then dive it down reaching under your right side twist so that your chest becomes parallel to floor, pause and then twist back to starting position. 
    • That is one rep

    Thumbs up Thumbs Down 
    15-20 reps
    Complete 3 sets

    Targets shoulders, biceps, triceps

    • Stand with feet hip width apart, arms straight out to sides at shoulder height, light weights in hands, or no weights, 
    • rotate thumbs pointing up and down slowly

    Plank Up Downs 
    8-10 reps
    Complete 3 sets

    Targets arms, chest, shoulders, core, endurance

    • Assume push up position, make sure body is tight and core is contracted, 
    • Lower yourself onto your elbows raise the right side of your body by pressing your right hand against the floor and straighten your arm. 
    • Raise left side of body in same manner, lower yourself back to your elbows, keep your body tight and core contracted through the entire exercise
    Chest Press Leg Drop  
    15-20 reps
    Complete 3 sets

    Targets total body

    • Place light dumbbells in hands lying face up with leg extended straight up over hips (knees can be bent if needed) and arms open to sides of shoulders (like goal post) elbows a few inches off the floor. 
    • Lower legs to a 45 degree angle ( avoid arching your lower back) as arms extend straight over chest, return to start that is one rep.

    My Take
    I have just as much pride in my butt as I do my arms. When I initially lost the bulk of my weight my arms got very toned, people ask me if I was a boxer, that’s how toned and tight they were and I love it. Like most people, after a while, I took my toned arms for granted and I’ve been chasing those arms ever since. These are some of my favorite exercises that tone my arms quick, fast, and in a hurry.

    Nutrition Challenge

    Eat 2 “good fat” snacks everyday this week

    Challenge Synopsis

    • You should be eating 2-3 healthy snacks a day between meals, make sure those snacks include “good fats”
    • Change your snacking habits, instead of grabbing a bag of chips snack on a handful of almonds
    • I will be posting a few of my favorite “good fat” snack recipes tomorrow. 

    Why Why Why

    • Fat is delicious, filling, and its imperative for the absorption of many vitamins
    • Most people (especially women) don’t eat enough fat, which makes them unsatisfied and craving sugar
    • Good fats are coconut oil, pasture butter, olive oil, nuts, nut butters, avocados, seeds (especially sesame and pumpkin) grass-fed beef, eggs, fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, trout, and herring
    • Benefits of healthy snacking between meals 
      • increases your nutrient intake
      • Prevents your blood sugar level from dropping too much between meals
      • Healthy snacks after exercise can replace your energy stores and speed up muscle recovery 


      • Willpower and Disciple


      • Try to eat 2-3 snacks a day (between meals) those snacks must contain 1 good fat

      My Take
      Most people don’t get enough fat in their diets especially good fat, and I fall into that category. Eating snacks between meals increases my chances of not overeating and incorporating “good fats” in each snacks will allow me to get the good benefits from eating fat. It’s a Win Win. 

      Self Help Challenge
      I challenge you to start your Life Hand Book

      Challenge Synopsis

      • Get a blank journal, I prefer a nice girly, colorful leather, bounded book, something you will want to keep around for years to come
      • Your Life Hand Book should contain the essentials on how you can/should live your life to the fullest
      • This book helps you create a reference, telling yourself what to do and what not to do

      Why Why Why

      • This book will be a great reference to look through when going through tough times
      • Previous self help challenges have prepared you for this one
      • Look back at the last few exercises : 
        • What does success look like to you
        • Read a personal development blog or article a day
        • Identify and tackle your blind spots
      • Incorporate all the things you learned from the previous challenges to help you with this challenge
      • This Hand Book will be your manual for life that you can refer back to when needed and/or pass it on to your children 


      • A nice journal/notebook you will keep around for a while
      • Your favorite writing utensil 
      • Honesty, an open mind, and a good sense of humor


      • Think about what your purpose, values, and goals are. 
      • Reflect on your past, present, and future
      • Write a quick blurb about yourself in the front of your new Life Hand Book
      • Start by listing your Do(s) & Don’t(s) 
        • For example: Do always greet people with a smile, Don’t leave the house without looking in the mirror
      • Start fun and loose with your Do(s) & Don’t(s) then touch on some real issues
        • For example: Do be open to love, Don’t ever compromise who you are for another person
      • If certain Do(s) & Don’t(s) need more explanation, write as little or as much as you feel like on the topic
      • Start with listing 5-10 Do(s) and Don’t(s) and continue to list more regularly, about once a week
      • Keep the journal private and in a safe place
      • Stay honest with yourself throughout this process

      My Take 
      I’m starting my very own Hand Book today!!! I plan on passing it down to my kids once they get old enough to appreciate it. This is one of those needed exercises that I  know I will be grateful to have as I get older and go through more and more experiences. 

      Have a great Day!


        My Home Away From Home


        My Home Away From Home 

        My home away from home is situated on a small peak in the Marin Headlands overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge called Hawk Hill. Since I work from home, at local coffee shops, and restaurants I tend to spend a lot of time indoors and I hate it. 

        Whether I need a quick recharge, a moment to center myself, or a break between clients, there is nothing more enjoyable to me than this a smooth drive up to my very own panoramic view of San Francisco. Jetting off on the last exist before you cross the historic Golden Gate Bridge, as soon as I see the hill my heart starts to elevate and the corners of my mouth start pointing towards the sky, the exact direction that I’m headed. 

        The view at this location is breathtaking. I feel as if I’m on top of the world, able to see how big and peaceful San Francisco looks from this vantage point always inspires me to reach for my dreams.

        Not only is Hawks Hill beautiful, it’s also a very historical place that’s played an important role in WWII. World War II fortifications were built on Hawk Hill to keep the newest battleships from reaching striking range. How cool is that? My home away from home has some seriously important history behind it. 

        I was approach by an amazing site called DogVacay asking me where or what my home away from home is? 

        I don’t have any furry friends myself because I travel 6 months out of the year and would feel horrible neglecting a sweet, eager, pet for an extended period of time, but DogVacay might have swayed my pet adopting decision. It’s one of those no-brainier sites that is a necessity for everyday people. Just because we are animal lovers doesn’t mean we are home bodies. Their services are reliable, convenient, and straight to the point. The site hooks you up with reliable pet sitter in your neighborhood that are usually cheaper then the average kennel fees,  there are no cages, your pet gets personal attention, and belly rubs galore. They even send you daily picture updates! How cool is that? 

        I am officially one step closer to adopting a furry companion now that I’ve found them, or should I say, they found me. Check them out!  

        Blessings Friends,


        Your Weekly Top Headlines and DIY Cloud Nails

        Sorting Out the Risk of Fish
        NY Times – March 17, 2013 – By Roni Carym Rabin
        Fish is referred to as a brain food. It is an excellent source of lean protein, rich in nutrients like omega3 fatty acids, Vitamin B, and iodine. Everyone, especially pregnant women are encouraged to eat an healthy amount

        Fish high in mercury can harm brain development

        2 advocacy organizers are suing the Food and Drug Administration demanding canned packaged fish require labels alerting customers about the fishes mercury content

        FDA argues that the benefit of eating fish is greater than the possibility of effects of mercury exposure

        The goal is to get everyone, especially pregnant woman to eat low mercury fish

        FDA is worried that fish consumption will drop if they are forced to label high mercury fish
        Fish high in mercury: Swordfish, king mackerel, shark, tuna, and tile fish
        Fish low in mercury: shellfish, salmon, catfish, tilapia, scallops, oysters, herring, sardines, and trout

        If you want to breath
        No driving in Paris
        New York Times – Scott Sayare – March 17, 2014

        Pollution levels around Paris is at an unusually high level, so the government placed a partial ban on driving for the last 3 days 

        Over 3000 cars where stopped on Monday for breaking the ban

        Public transportation is free for the last 4 days. Trains, subways, bus system, velib’ bike sharing program, and autolib’ the car sharing program. The Government has lost over 5.6 million dollars

        Traffic jams were reduced around the city by 60%, speed limits were reduced around the city by 20 kilometers or 12 mph, heavy trucks are being diverted from the region

        Pollution levels especially particulate matter, usually attributed to vehicle emission have dropped after a high peak last week

        With unseasonably warm days, cool nights, and little wind pollutants have settled in high concentrations over Paris and about 30 other French cities
        Particulate matter can cause respiratory problems and general discomfort if inhaled reached well about alert level
        Hospital visits have risen noticeably in and around the city especially for children
        Ban was lifted today

        Quit Smoking App Works in Colorado
         USA Today – March 19, 2014 – Trevor Hughes

        Officials say tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable death in Colorado. 1 and 6 residents smoke cigarettes, more than 1/2 say they want to quit

        The new quit smoking app called Quit and Save developed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment calculates how much money you save by avoiding cigarettes

        App sends an reminder about quitting whenever you walk into an convenience store around Colorado

        The Tobacco Quit and Save app is free and available on all platforms. App uses GPS info to tell you when your near a store that sells cigarettes and sends reminders that drinking alcohol can weaken your resolve to quit

        This app is first of its kind, costing $35,000 and was covered by existing anti-smoking funding

        “For smokers this seemed like a great way to keep motivated to quit smoking” says Dave Brendsel, a spokesman for the states prevention service division

         Fried Food + Genes = Obeseity
        USA Today – March 18, 2014 – Kim Painter

        A study published Tuesday in the journal BMI reports some people are genetically predisposed to become fatter than other indulging in the same bad habits

        This is a ground breaking concept, that could lead to more individualized prescription for weight control says leading author LuQiar assistant professor at the Harvard School of Public Health

        Study found high BMIs in people who most frequently ate fried foods and those at high genetic risk, they found the highest BMIs in people who had risk factors – suggesting genes and fried foods can “amplify each other”  to add pounds, Qi says

        Previous studies found similar synergy between genes and 2 other factors – Sweetened beverages and physical inactivity

        Findings don’t mean that people with favorable genes can eat anything they want, everyone should reduce their fried foods consumption

        Most of us don’t need fancy genetic test to figure out what  group we are in, just look at your mom and dad


        DIY Cloud Nails

        My head has been in the clouds lately. I figure my nails should reflect that.
        Paint a base coat of white
        allow coat to dry  
        Paint 1-2 coats of blue polish on top of white base 
        allow coat to dry

        Use tip of nail brush or doter and place dots on nails in shape of clouds
        allow coat to dry

        Clean up any polish mistakes
        Once your happy with your clouds apply fast drying top coat
        That’s all today Friends
        Enjoy your weekend


        USA Today
        New York Times

        Clean Recipes

        Yesterday was all about maintaining a clean diet. To set myself, and all of you, up for success I’m featuring some clean recipes that are filling, scrumptious, and easy to make. 

        It’s smart to keep a few grain bases ‘clean’ salads in the fridge to snack on. Not only are they tasty, but they’re satisfying, clean, and full of fiber and whole grains that keep you fuller longer.

        All ingredients highlighted are clean foods. 

        Farro Salad

        step by step picture directions below

        2-3 green onions
        1 green bell pepper, diced
        1 red bell pepper, diced
        1 yellow bell pepper, diced

        1 orange bell pepper, diced

        1 small jalapeno, remove seeds and diced
        2 cup farro
        2 1/2 cups water 
        1/3 cup feta cheese
        Olive Oil 

        Add water to medium sauce pan, salt and bring to boil

        Add faro and bring to a boil

        Reduce the heat and simmer with lid on for 15-30 minutes or until tender

        Saute green onions for 2 minutes, then add green/red/yellow/orange bell peppers, jalapeno, in olive oil in medium pan, on medium heat until vegetables are tender and almost cooked through

        Season with salt and pepper to taste

        Transfer farro into pan with vegetable mixture

        Reduce heat to medium-low heat and cook farro until brown and fully mixed with vegetables 

        Add feta cheese to mixture 

        Add water to medium sauce pan, salt and bring to boil – Add faro and bring to a boil – Reduce the heat and simmer with lid on for 15-30 minutes or until tender

        Saute green onions for 2 minutes, then add green/red/yellow/orange bell peppers, jalapeno, in olive oil in medium pan, on medium heat until vegetables are tender and almost cooked through

        Season with salt and pepper to taste – Transfer farro into pan with vegetable mixture – Reduce heat to medium-low heat and cook farro until brown and fully mixed with vegetables 

        Add feta cheese to mixture

        Serves 4-6, heaping cup is one serving

        169.75cals, 27 cals from fat, 3g fat, 11mg chol, 21.71g carbs, 3.75mg sodium, 3.09g protein, 18% vitamin A, 11% vitamin C, 7% Calcium, 41% iron

        Quinoa Salad

        step by step picture directions below

        1 cup uncooked quinoa (or 3 cups cooked)
        1(15oz) can black beans (or 1-1/2 cups) drained and rinsed
        1-1/2 cups cilantro, finely chopped
        3 small/medium carrots, julienne (about 1-1/2 cups) 

        1 large chopped and roasted sweet potato
        4 green onions chopped
        sea salt and black pepper to taste

        For Dressings
        3 tbls fresh lime juice (about 1 lime)
        2 tbls extra virgin olive oil
        1 large clove garlic, minced (or 1/2 tsp garlic powder)
        1 tsp ground cumin
        1 tsp pure maple syrup (or other liquid sweetener)
        1/2 tsp sea salt

        Prepare Quinoa

        Rinse quinoa in a fine mesh sieve

        Add into pot along with 1-1/2 cups water or vegetable broth

        Bring to boil, reduce heat to low-med and then cover with a tight fitted lid

        Simmer for 15-17 minutes until the water is absorbed and the quinoa is fluffy

        Remove from heat and steam with the lid on for 5 additional minutes

        Fluff with fork and chill in the fridge for at least 15 minutes

        In a large bowl toss quinoa, drained and rinsed black beans, cilantro, carrots (or roasted sweet potato) and green onions

        Whisk together dressing in small bowl or jar

        Pour onto salad and toss to combine

        Season with salt and pepper to taste

         Bake sweet potato for 30-45 minutes on 370 degrees

        Prepare Quinoa – Rinse quinoa in a fine mesh sieve – Add into pot along with 1-1/2 cups water or vegetable broth – Bring to boil, reduce heat to low-med and then cover with a tight fitted lid – Simmer for 15-17 minutes until the water is absorbed and the quinoa is fluffy – Remove from heat and steam with the lid on for 5 additional minutes

        In a large bowl toss quinoa, drained and rinsed black beans, cilantro, carrots (or roasted sweet potato) and green onions

        Whisk together dressing in small bowl or jar – Pour onto salad and toss to combine – Season with salt and pepper to taste

        *Salad is better chilled. Chill for 1 hour
        **Great meal prep salad

        223 calories, 31 calories from fat, 3g fat, 0mg chol, 40g carbs, 58.76mg sodium, 8.75g protein, 84% vitamin A, 14% vitamin C, 4% Calcium, 20% iron


        Fennel & Spinach Soup 
        with Roasted Pepper Yogurt
        step by step picture directions below

        2 red bell peppers
        2 large fennel bulbs with stalks
        2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
        2 cups chopped leeks about 2 medium leeks
        1 cup chopped shallots about 2 large shallots
        1 tbs fresh thyme chopped
        3/8 tsp salt 
        2 cups fat free, lower sodium vegetable broth
        1 cup water
        1 bay leaf
        4oz fresh spinach
        1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
        1/2 cup fat-free greek yogurt
        1 tsp grated lemon rind
        1 tsp fresh lemon juice
        dash of ground red pepper

        Pre heat broiler

        Cut Bell Pepper in half lengthwise discarding seeds and membranes

        Place pepper halves, skin side up, on a foil-lined baking sheet, flatten with hand

        Broil 15 minutes or until blackened

        Place in a paper bag, fold to close tightly, let stand for 10 minutes, peel and chop, set aside

        Trim tough outer leaves from fennel, mince feathery founds to measure 2 tbs, set aside

        Remove and discard stalks, cut bulbs in half lengthwise; discard core, chop bulbs to measure about 4 cups, chop leeks

        Heat oil in a large dutch oven over medium heat 

        Add fennel bulb, leek, shallots, thyme, and salt

        Cook and cover for 10 minutes stirring occasionally

        Add broth, water, and bay leaf; bring to boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer for 12 minutes

        Discard bay leaf, stir in spinach and black pepper

        Remove from heat, cover and let stand for 5 minutes at room temperature

        Pour 1/2 of fennel mixture into a blender

        Remove center piece of blender lid (to allow steam to escape)

        Secure blender lid on blender

        Place a clean towel over opening in blender lid (to avoid splatter) 

        Blend until smooth

        Return pureed soup to pan, heat over medium heat for 2 minutes or until thoroughly heated

        Combine roasted bell pepper, yogurt, lemon rind, lemon juice, and ground red pepper in a food processor, process until smooth

        Pre heat broiler – Cut Bell Pepper in half lengthwise discarding seeds and membranes – Place pepper halves, skin side up, on a foil-lined baking sheet, flatten with hand – Broil 15 minutes or until blackened – Place in a paper bag, fold to close tightly, let stand for 10 minutes, peel and chop, set aside (do not rinse)
        As you can see I used a different method. If you have a gas stove try scorching the outside of the peppers on the open flame, once charred cover for 10-15 minutes, uncover and unpeel (never rinse the bell peppers one charred, you will be rinsing away the flavor)

        Trim tough outer leaves from fennel, mince feathery founds to measure 2 tbs, set aside – Remove and discard stalks, cut bulbs in half lengthwise; discard core, chop bulbs to measure about 4 cups – chop leeks

        Add fennel bulb, leek, shallots, thyme, and salt – Cook and cover for 10 minutes stirring occasionally – Add broth, water, and bay leaf; bring to boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer for 12 minutes – Discard bay leaf, stir in spinach and black pepper – Remove from heat, cover and let stand for 5 minutes at room temperature

        Remove from heat, cover and let stand for 5 minutes at room temperature – Pour 1/2 of fennel mixture into a blender – Remove center piece of blender lid (to allow steam to escape) – Secure blender lid on blender – Place a clean towel over opening in blender lid (to avoid splatter) – Blend until smooth

        Combine roasted bell pepper, yogurt, lemon rind, lemon juice, and ground red pepper in a food processor, process until smooth

        96 cals, 3.8g fat, 0.5g sat fat, 2.5 mono, 0.5 poly, 4g protein, 13g carbs, 3g fiber, 0.0mg cholesterol, 1.8mg iron, 255mg sodium, 73mg calcium

        Robin Bashinsky, Cooking Light, Dec 2010

        That’s all today friends!
        Have a great day


        Clean diet for a clean summer

        Hello Friends!

        Spring/Summer has been rearing its searing head in Northern California this past week and I’m enjoying every minute of it. My body clock has yet to adjust to the new time change, but I adore the longer days and shorter nights. 

        With all this sun beaming down upon us I tend to want to wear less and less. This is what I live for, what I look forward to 6 months out of the year. Heat! I love hot weather. 

        Living in California has many benefits, one of the top ones ,being we don’t have to fight with humidity like the southern and some eastern states do. 

        California emits a dry heat that seems bearable at first but will having you running for the air conditioner in no time.

        This is when I shine, where all my hard work pays off, where I get to show off my tones legs, flat stomach, and ripped arms. It’s time to get summer fit. 

        I’m revving up my workout by adding more lifting, doubling the amount and variation of cardio on a weekly/daily bases and by completing my own weekly fitness challenges. This weeks butt lift challenge hurts!!! I love it, but man does my booty burn during the donkey kicks, side kicks, and back kicks. I can feel my core tightening up while completing each dreaded set.  

        Around this time of year I also get a lot more health conscious. Without those winter layers to keep you warm it’s nearly impossible to camouflage the rolls that love to gang up on my back. 

        To enhance my new workout schedule I’m going on a clean diet. 

        What’s a clean diet and why am I using the  word ‘diet’ on this site when I only promote life changes??? I’m so happy you asked….

        Clean diet facts… 
        What is it… 
        And how can I get me some?

        What is a “Clean” diet 
        A clean diet is eating nutrient-rich, low-fat meals


        Eating whole or non-processed foods

        Why Clean up your diet?
        If you dedicate yourself to the clean eating diet/lifestyle and you can loose up to 3 pounds a week

        Improve the brightness and alertness in your eyes

        Teeth and gums will be healthier

        Skin will glow and you won’t be as hungry as usual

        Clean diets can improve your metabolism 

        Does eating clean mean starving myself?
        Nope, not at all

        Eating clean requires you to eat often, 6 to six times a day, 3 meals and 2-3 snacks

        Clean diets are based off of complexed carbohydrates, the “good carbs” most complexed carbohydrates are full of fiber and dietary fibers, that make you feel fuller longer

        Basic normal recommended plate servings including a lean protein, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and complex carbohydrates with every meal

        Clean Foods

        Grapefruit, apples, prunes, apricots, pears, plums, strawberry, orange, yams, potatoes, soy beans (tofu) 

        Spinach, turnip greens, lettuce, watercress, zucchini, asparagus, artichokes, okra, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, dill pickles, radishes, broccoli, brussels sprouts, eggplant, onions, tomatoes, cauliflower,  potatoes, okra, zucchini, carrots

        Grains & Beans
        Barley, buckwheat, whole wheat bread, oat brain bread, oatmeal(stee cut oats), oat bran, muesli, multigrain bread, Wild rice, brown rice
        pinto beans, navy beans, spelt bread, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, split peas
        Almond milk, rice milk, plain yogurt 

         How to clean up your diet
        Eating foods like lean protein complex carbs “good-carbs”, fresh fruits, and vegetables

         Eat 5-6 meals a day

        eat breakfast everyday within an hour after getting up

        Eat lean protein and complex carbohydrates at every meal

        Have 2-3 servings of healthy fats everyday

        Get fiber, vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes from fresh fruit and vegetables

        Control your portions

        Drink 2-3 liters of water (about 13-8oz cups) everyday

        Foods to Avoid
        Over processed foods, especially white flour and sugar

        Artificial sweeteners

        Sugary beverages like soda and juices


        Foods with preservatives

        Foods with chemical additives like food dyes and sodium nitrite

        Saturated fats and trans fat

        Anti Food – calorie dense food with no nutritional value


         I hope you enjoyed reading about my new ‘diet’

        Have a great day friends!
