Challenge Monday

Fitness Challenge

I challenge you to complete my Cheerleading Arms workout everyday this week

Why Why Why

  • This is a low impact workout that you can do sitting down
  • Everyone can participate and receive a serious burn
  • This workout is cheerleading and Pilates inspired
  • This routine is quick and effective so you should be able told do this one everyday this week


  • Timer


Complete each exercise for 30 seconds

Arm circles front (small)
Arm circles back (small)
Arm circles front (large)
Arm circles back (large)
Goal Posts Up Downs
Diagonal Arms Switching sides each time

My Take

 I’m all about toned arms, I’ve spent years doing thousands of push-ups and I’m finally pushed out. Since I’m doing everything in my power to get my summer body right, I tried adding push-ups into my routine again, but to no avail. I just don’t like them anymore. That’s where this workout comes into play. it only takes 3:30 minutes and my arms are on fire when it’s done. You might not work up a sweat but you will defiantly feel the burn.

Nutrition Challenge

 Processed with Moldiv

I challenge you to eat a sexy salad 5 days this week

Why Why Why

  • Eating salads at least 5 days a week, is the best healthy eating habits you can adopt
  • Salads are a convenient way to work in your daily serving of fruit and vegetables
  • Salads are a colorful, fun to eat and easy to customize to your personal taste


  • Sexy salad recipes
  • I’ll be featuring a few later on this week


Eat a salad at least 5 days this week, preferably during dinner
Make sure they are sexy salad
Sexy steak salad
Sexy cob salad
Sexy bean salad
Lol feels funny writing that

My Take

I used to hate salads, after years of conditioning I’m finally a fan. I eat more rabbit food than the average human being and I love it. Salads are crunchy, satisfying and filling, if you get, or make, the right one. Which is the point of this weeks challenge.

Self Improvement Challenge

Processed with Moldiv

I challenge you to Write a haiku everyday this week

Why Why Why

  • Write one haiku a day everyday this week
  • Haiku writing can improve your writing skills by forcing you to express yourself in fewer, more descriptive words
  • It’s silly and fun and should add a much-needed mental game/break in hour day


  • Your favorite writing utensil
  • Paper or phone app


  • A haiku is a structured Japanese minimalist poetry,  3 lines long, 5-7-5 syllables
  • Do not stress over these daily haikus keep it fun and loose, try not to take yourself or your non-existing poetry career seriously

My Take

I absolutely love poetry. I wish I had the talent to be a poet but i just don’t have the writing chops. This weeks challenge is going to be fun.

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